Posted by: majella - Posted on:

The Partners of Moss Side Medical Centre, in the spirit of being open and transparent, would like to share with our patients the outcome of a recent re-inspection by Care Quality Commission.

The rating of Inadequate has been maintained, however we would like to assure you all that the Practice is still open and has not been deemed as being unsafe in terms of clinical care.

We have already addressed areas that were highlighted by the inspection in regards to clinical stock and administrative and clerical governance. We have in post a new and very experienced Business Manager who has already implemented more robust governance measures and is dealing with areas for improvement in a controlled and structured way.

We are committed to doing all that is necessary to improve our rating and rest assured it is a key focus and priority for us.

We are happy to discuss this disappointing situation further with our patients, but fundamentally want to allay any fears or concerns that you may have.