Dr Uday Kanitkar
MBBS, MS, MCH(Orth), MRCGP, DRCOGMore information
Dr Uday Kanitkar is a GP Partner and a GP Trainer. He has a specialist interest in minor surgery and joint injections. He is the lead for Safeguarding Adults and Children.
Clinic days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday AM
Dr Mahtab Siddiqui
MD MRCGP PGCE (M.Ed)More information
Dr Mahtab Siddiqui is a GP Partner and a GP Trainer and Educator. He has a specialist interest in minor surgery and joint injections. Dr Siddiqui is the Registered CQC Manager for the Practice.
Clinic days: Wednesday PM, Thursday and Friday
Dr Ayoade Kayode
MRCGP, Salaried GP
Dr Irum Arbab
MRCGP, Salaried GP
The surgery has been accredited by the Royal College of GPs and Northwest Deanery as a teaching and training practice for medical students, FY2 trainees and GP trainees.
We are a training practice involved in the training of future General Practitioners. These are mostly doctors who have completed their hospital-based training and are spending the final years in General Practice working towards their final GP exams (ST3). We are also involved in training both doctors at earlier stages and medical students, all of whom are closely supervised. Trainees have full access to patients’ medical records. This is essential for the purpose of training and patient care. The strict rules of confidentiality are adhered to at all times throughout the whole practice. Videoing of consultations is an important part of training and assessment. If the appointment you are attending is part of a surgery being videoed, you will be advised of this beforehand and of course you will be free to decline.
Nursing Team
Practice Nurse
Clinic days: Everyday
Louise Walker
Health Care Assistant
Clinic days: Everyday
Our practice holds a phlebotomy clinic (bloods) every Monday morning. These are appointment only and must be requested by a Doctor or Nurse.
Practice Team
Practice Management
Majella Horabin
Business Manager
If you would like to get in touch, please email:
Admin & Secretarial
Our practice secretary is responsible for ensuring referral letters, both NHS and Private, are dealt with in a timely manner. NHS referrals are sent through the E Referral System, which is an electronic safe way to submit referrals. They also assists the Lead GP Dr Kanitkar in managing all medical reports i.e. DVLA, Firearm Licences, PIP claims etc, as well as, all requests for access to medical records. They are available Monday to Friday should you have any referral or report queries – please ring the main surgery phone number.
Operations Manager
Medicine Co-ordinator
Dawn has been at the practice for 15 years and is our medicine co-ordinator who is responsible for adding, removing and changing any medications prescribed to patients once approved by the GP. Dawn works closely with the Care Homes in ensuring all their medication is correct and arrives on time. She also manages the hospital discharge medication once approved by the GP. If you have any queries regarding your medication please contact the medicines co-ordinator on the surgery number.
The reception team are the first point of contact at the practice, whether you call in or contact us by telephone. They support the clinicians and are able to answer many of the queries you may have.
They are fully trained in being able to signpost you to the right person for help and to keep all information confidential. When booking an appointment please tell them a little about why you need to see a Doctor or Nurse so they can book you in with the right person. All practice staff are bound by the same strict rules of confidentiality as the doctors. If you wish to discuss matters in private please tell the receptionist.
Healthcare Team
Community Nurses
There is a team of District Nurses attached to the practice and are based at Yewlands Drive Clinic. The District Nurse deals with patients who have recently been discharged from hospital or have been referred by the Doctor. They can be contacted on 01772 644669.
Health Visitors
A health visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing.
Attached Staff
PCN Staff supporting our practice:
Mahesh Buran
First Contact Physiotherapist
Roger Boardman
Health & Wellbeing Coach
Sandy Yates
Kloe Wright
Pharmacist Technician
Carli Warburton
Paramedic Practitioner